Monday, February 28, 2011

Where's the Love Recap

Where's the Love? Everyone felt it at the Thunderbird Scottsdale Church on Sabbath with close to 400 attendee's, the church was filled. Jackie James, Bob and Chelsea Barnes and Nate Huss all lead us in a powerful worship service. Danielle from AWC decided earlier she wanted to be baptized and figured this was the perfect weekend. She was welcomed into the family with open arms!

Nate Huss shared his talent with a mini concert.
Southern Adventist University's Gym-Masters packed the gym with their acrobatics and tumbling, it was an awesome finish to a great weekend.

A big thank you to everyone who helped make this possible: AWC for providing lunch, Camelback Youth and Ben Lundquist for all their help, the Arizona Youth Department, Vertical Highway, Bob and Chelsea Barns, Jackie James, and Alan Lacy and Jared Branham.
See you again next year!

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