Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pathfinder Bible Achievement 2011

March 5 is the Pathfinder Bible Achievement Conference/State Level. Only the clubs who participated in the Area Level and received enough points are able to move on to this level. Pretty exciting ... this year we have 10 clubs competing:  

  • Alpha&Omega from the Phoenix Central Spanish Church
  • Los Mensajeros from East Valley SDA Church
  • Camp Verde Calvalry from the you guessed it Camp Verde Church
  • Scottsdale from the Scottsdale Thunderbird Church
  • Maranatha from West Valley
  • Tucson Midvale Mustangs from Tucson Midvale Park
  • Khronos from Tucson Central Church
  • Panthers from Chandler
  • Orion
  • Knights of God from Shalom
Good luck to all the clubs! I hope you've been studying. I and II Corinthians are the books of the Bible being studied this year. The program starts at 3:00 p.m. at the Thunderbird Scottsdale church for anyone who'd like to support their favorite club.

Union Level is next, and finally the Divisional Level in Michigan. God bless the Bible scholars!

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